Matt Leclair
Colonel (COL) Matt Leclair’s service began as an enlisted Ranger in 1st Ranger Battalion 75th Ranger Regiment from 1994-1999 and believes it is the foundation for not only his military career but also his adult life. The pinnacle of his leadership experiences was as Commander for 2nd Squadron 14th Cavalry in 25th Infantry Division in Hawaii. His most recent responsibilities were supporting the Commander of U.S. Special Operations in Tampa Florida. He now serves as a senior Army fellow at the Asia Pacific Center for Security Studies. Next, he will assume command of the 196th Infantry Brigade, the Joint Pacific Multinational Readiness Center at Ft. Shafter Hawaii. COL Leclair credits these organizations and more importantly, the people in them who have inspired him to be the best leader, father, and husband he can be. He has been married to Christy McJunkin for 25 years and they have two boys Hunter and Brady, and two girls Ryan and Evan.